“Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving.” -William Shakespeare

Ask any entity or person that has had to repair their reputation and they’ll tell you they should have invested way more in the protecting. There are basically two elements of online reputation management; protection and repair.

A negative attack on you or your company’s reputation can occur at any from many directions. Posters on blogs, forums, social media sites and websites can hit and spurn negative duplicity on one site and come back to do the same thing on another one. Even with no validity, a negative posting campaign can taint a reputation within hours of its initiation, sewing doubt and uncertainty about you or your company’s integrity, products, or services.

If the negative posts and reviews start featuring in the top 10 positions or in the first page of the search engine results pages, then you are sure to lose a lot of business. Containing and countering campaigns like this takes experience, skill, and the ability to act quickly and with precision. When negative campaigns launch against your company, we counter strike with a smooth arsenal of specific high ranking links of great content and links to put you back on top.

Lattitude Solutions’ reputation management service helps rebuild the reputation you so valiantly worked for. Call us or get a quote and reclaim your online reputation today.